Young angry woman with steam blowing from ears. Negative Emotions. Bad Mood. Young furious Girl. Pop Art Banner. Vector cartoon illustration.
I am a reader that’s first and foremost , secondly I blog MY reviews and opinions, they won’t match yours and that is perfectly acceptable, No one book is read or is seen in the same way and that is the beauty of literature.
Social media however is a monster, it has taken over and eaten the minds and imaginations of the young, The days of meeting up with your friends, going down the rec or on the street corner have gone, school disco’s a thing of the past. My feet were used for walking, to and from my friends house, to and from school, I had a 2 mile walk there and back. If you wanted to know if your friends where coming out, you had to go to their doors and knock, and believe me if their parents didn’t like the look of you, they shut the door. We didn’t have phones, some of us didn’t even have house phones, ( I AM 54) so just goes to show you how long the mobile has been in existence, I have literally seen the birth and death of so many fads, The Walkman, The Boom box, The Personal CD play, Ipod shuffle, Ipod, Everyone complains about the slow internet, you have no idea, Until you have experienced DIAL UP !!!, you couldn’t use the phone and internet at the same time, my how far we have come ,now everything is streamlined, we had 4 TV channels now you have hundreds to choose from. Yet everyone’s comment is the same thing, can’t find anything to watch, even Hollywood is re-making films, instead of coming up with new ideas, they only have to look to teh book community, I can think of 6 books straight of my head that would make great films or TV shows. The advancement of technology is astounding, but at the cost of HUMANITY, of neighbours, of friends, of social settings, to learn how to communicate with your peers, Everyone is offended, I don’t care if you are offended, it’s your right to be offended if you want to be, just as it’s my right to think you are all a bunch of whingers, 2019 for me will go down as the worst, in all the advancement and screaming and shouting that’s been going on, The advancement of the Gay Pride movement for instance is PHENOMENAL. While everything else is going down the toilet, History is there to learn from, not repeat, not to make others pay for past mistakes, Some crimes can never ever be forgotten, We need to move on, but never to allow things like that to happen again. Yet it does, over and over again. Humanity is lost in a never ending tirade of he did that she did this, you have to pay, hatred, ridicule, children dying, disease, hunger, death. It is been orchestrated, wars, anger, turning on one another, while the whole time the weasels in back are plotting and planning.
Why this post and rant, you don’t have to read it, no one is forcing you to, I write it, then it posts and no one will probably see it, and I am quite ok with that. This is my blog. I have a few followers and I love them all for taking the time to check it out.
Now take this same comment and put it on Facebook, it is seen by hundreds of people, Facebook might decide its not to be shared to political, to controversial, I don’t care. If you are an author and you hide behind a PEN NAME, you don’t get to spew vile and hated words out, it does nothing for you, it shows you to be a mean and nasty human, I will not tolerate it. You have every right to spew out all the hatred and anger you want, if its your own page or your own social media platform, as long as you are using your own NAME, To use the name that attracts people like me to buy your books is business suicide, why do you do this?, I don’t care what your political views are if you are posting under your writers name. I want to know about your books about your characters, when is it coming out, stuff like that. I have literally just blocked and barred 3 authors, who I have been buying their books for years, because of their vile comments on social media. Its the same thing in the groups, if they get a bad review, they allow their fans to rip apart the poor person who has dared to put a review up that wasn’t in favour to the book, Yes some reviewers are quite nasty, but that is in my opinion the minority not the norm. So you authors who go on social media and spew your vile words, remember that you have an audience of fans, who might not like your views, and all though you might be entitled to them, and should be able to say them doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Use your own personal page to do that, were I assume that your real friends and not your fans know how you feel. If that is how you want to appeal to your audience as a foul mouthed screaming individual, then good luck having a career.