I am expecting some back lash but I am prepared.
My pennies are very important to me just like yours are, So when I take the time and effort look up an author’s books and then go buy their books or novella’s I expect to actually get a book or a novella instead what I have got is story spread across 18 chapters, and the most one page has got is 15 lines, the least is 3 sentences. and then I get bonus story after bonus story all of which I already have several times over now, THIS MAKES ME VERY VERY ANGRY, I feel like I am been made a fool out of and it is getting out of hand, Several authors are doing this now giving us one measly story and then filling it with the back work, I know it is expensive to publish a book, so why not wait until you have enough to fill ONE BOOK and then publish, instead of releasing one and filling it with the back catalog of some of your work. NO JUST NO, it has to stop, I am a blogger yes but I am reader more, if this offends you then your are guilty of doing that, I will not support authors who do this any more I have a budget, I DO NOT GET ANY ARC READS, I show cover reveals and blitz but I think buying the book gives me more of an honest review, I am not saying bloggers give preferential treatment so don’t need nasty comments to follow. I blog and review on all the books I HAVE BOUGHT whether it is a past book I am now revisiting because I am now a blogger or it is just a favorite it will always be granted a fair review. This year alone so far I have read 164 books. So to be ripped of is unethical and down right disgusting that you treat your fans like this . !!!!!!!!!!!!!